
As of June 15, 2024, I’m…

  • having fun with “Artful Notes
    – My new newsletter is up and running. It comes out weekly and gives art and music I’ve found that is interesting, as well as highlighting things I’m currently working on.
  • finishing the final drafts of my short stories..
    – I came up with this idea of shorts stories about the life of a guy named Ben. I wrote three of them. I’ve written three and am in final draft phase. If all goes well Volume 1 will be released in July or August.
  • enjoying cicadas.
    – They are kind of weird looking, have red eyes, and can’t fly worth a darn, but the midwest is in the midst of the 17 years cicadas, and I love it.

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers. His “Now” project also harkens me back to the days of bulletin boards with footers of “I’m listening to:” and “I’m watching:, so …”

I’m listening to:
Yuja Wang
I was pointed the direction of Yuja Wang, spotlighting her piano playing. She is pretty dang great!

I’m watching:
As little as possible right now, trying to stay focused on my current projects.

I’m Andy Labis. The cute thing around my neck was our dog, Milo. I sing dorky songs to my wife each morning before I go to work, and then I post some of them on YouTube. I’m also a writer, photographer, and iPhone app developer. For good measure I’m a Controller for a company that does interior construction.

As many a life has done, mine has taken many twists and turns, but thankfully I’ve found a wonderful woman to share my life with. I also have been blessed to have various outlets to share things I enjoy.

Thank you for visiting and enjoy exploring my universe!